Scrapebox Tutorial: Increasing Your Success Rate

I have gathered a list of about 5000, niche related, BE (BlogEngine) blogs, but when commenting I’m getting a 0% success rate. What do I do?

improve-your-success-rateDoes this sound familiar? BlogEngine seems to be a popular platform with Scrapebox users. The platform, still alive and well (in contrast to, for example, WordSmith), allows for easy commenting with Scrapebox. With admin levels quite low and many high PR web resources available, it should be a walk in the park. Or should it?

Many have reported several problems when posting to BlogEngine. Mainly the low success rates as well as the speed of the submissions. There is of course nothing wrong with BlogEngine blogs, it all rather depends on your Scrapebox set-up. We will be covering several steps to increase your success rate in this Scrapebox tutorial.

1. Invest Into Private Proxies

While a commercial solution, investing into private proxies might certainly solve your problem. Private proxies are available 24/7 and are a lot faster than any public proxy could ever be. Private proxies are of course a lot more stable too (so no time-out or similar errors here). We have found “Your Private Proxy” ( to be a good and reliable provider (with the added benefit of being rather inexpensive). 10 Private proxies will set you back around $30 a month and should cover your Scrapeboxing needs.

2. Update Your Public Proxies Right Before You Start

Use Scrapebox’s inbuilt proxy harvester to update your public proxies before you start a new campaign. Public proxies have a rather short lifespan and need to be updated if not daily then with every new project of yours.

3. Increase Time-Out Settings

Some experimentation is needed here, but after you have discovered the perfect time-out settings for your Scrapebox your success rate will definitely go up quite a bit. This depends on your PC, internet connection speed and the health of your proxies. For starters try increasing your time-out settings and see where that leads you. Play around some more if this results in a positive outcome.

Try all three suggestions (again, we can’t stress this enough, but if at all possible, invest into some private proxies. They are an absolute must) and see if this improves your success rate!

Check out our guide for more tips and trick on how to optimize Scrapebox and improve your success rate! (coming soon)

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