Posts Tagged ‘Scrapebox Tools’

Blackhat Backlink Indexer

Hey there everybody,

so we’ve decided to work on our own backlink indexer. How did this come about? Well, first of all, we’ve received a number of requests from our forum members as well as were generally dissatisfied with Scrapebox’s inbuilt rapid indexer (there are quite a few limitations there…)

At any rate, other commercial solutions are somewhat limited in their functionality. We have the scrapeboxer and the xrumer in mind here and well, quite frankly, BIE as well as BB fall short with supporting these individuals. Sure, the scripts are great when you have say 200-300 backlinsk to index but what do you do when you have a massive xrumer list?

Google is a mysterious entity, so figuring out their indexation process is really not that easy. Thus we have decided to implement all kinds of indexation boosting techniques and see which ones work and which ones don’t. In order to do so, we will be releasing separate modules which can be run as stand alone applications and working with our community… Read the rest

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