Archive for the ‘Thoughts’ Category

Update: Blackhat Indexer Progress

Hey guys,

first of all, thanks for the great input everybody! Everybody who reads this blog, our members as well as the b-hat community! You guys are great and we’ve received a lot of mail, PMs and whatnot with suggestions on how to improve our first module (here’s the original blog post, if you haven’t read it already).

So, based on your suggestions, here’s what will be implemented next:

  1. Diversify and mix up Google Trends Scraping (to make anchor text appear more unique)
  2. Allow scraping of niche related content by keyword (to make descriptions appear more unique) [This will either be done through Google Alerts or through specific Google RSS feeds]
  3. Introduce automatic spinning or spin syntax to make content more unique.

We are currently working on improving the module and the next release will be posted anytime next week. Our members will be the first to have access to the program, accessible through the “scripts” section of our private forum.

Meanwhile, we are also… Read the rest

A word to the spammers or how to turn spammy comments into gold

Our blog is of course not exempt from spammers (ah… you crafty Scrapeboxers… Ohh… The irony), and, like many other blogs, is subject to a tonne of spammy comments.

From the generic “wow, great server, I’ll be bookmark again” to the slightly less generic “I truly enjoyed this article post and for once found great informations inside” to the completely incomprehensible “My watched a yoga course, visit draftly http://blablabla”

Yet, as a blog owner you can really turn those comments into gold. We realize that this is slightly off-topic but would nevertheless like to share a technique with you. As you might remember, off-site backlinks (or in other words, external backlinks) are not everything. Your internal backlink structure matters a great deal too. So, what do you do with them spammy comments?

Simple, go through them all (pretty simple if you are using wordpress) and insert your internal backlink (pointing to any place on your site) instead of the spammy link. Save. Approve. Also, don’t forget to remove the completely spammy comments, there is… Read the rest

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