Archive for the ‘Scripts’ Category

Blackhat Backlink Indexer

Hey there everybody,

so we’ve decided to work on our own backlink indexer. How did this come about? Well, first of all, we’ve received a number of requests from our forum members as well as were generally dissatisfied with Scrapebox’s inbuilt rapid indexer (there are quite a few limitations there…)

At any rate, other commercial solutions are somewhat limited in their functionality. We have the scrapeboxer and the xrumer in mind here and well, quite frankly, BIE as well as BB fall short with supporting these individuals. Sure, the scripts are great when you have say 200-300 backlinsk to index but what do you do when you have a massive xrumer list?

Google is a mysterious entity, so figuring out their indexation process is really not that easy. Thus we have decided to implement all kinds of indexation boosting techniques and see which ones work and which ones don’t. In order to do so, we will be releasing separate modules which can be run as stand alone applications and working with our community… Read the rest

Updates, updates, updates!

Hey there everybody!

Just in: we’ve updated our “auto harvesting” script. The script is now a standalone .exe application, with a GUI interface. So no need to edit the script files anymore. Run the application, enter your keywrods (it supports unlimited keywords) and hit the start button!

Check back in around 5-7 hours and you’ll literally have 100s if not thousands of links waiting for you. Best of all, these links are pulled directly from the latest results additions to Google’s blog search. So get commenting with Scrapebox before everybody else does! The app supports proxies as well as dynamic delays (stay under the radar and all that). Download it now at our private forum!

Yeah, and just to keep you entertained, here’s a video of us boosting some random Ezine article. With the help of Scrapebox as well as an external script of course (get if at our private forum if you haven’t alread)!

Everybody who was constantly telling us “boosting ezinearticles views is impossible”…… Read the rest

Just added! Fully automated harvester for Scrapebox!

Well, that could be a little program on its own…
We’ve just added a fully automated harvester and link collector to our “scripts” section at the forum! It’s a pretty simple tool that will pull the latest (newest) 100 results from Google’s blog search based on the keywrods that you have specified. It supports and unlimited amount of keywords, dynamic delays as well as proxies. Get the tool now, keep it running and see your link collection grow by the minute. The tool exports all the links into a .txt file which can be used with Scrapebox to check the links, sort them, filter them by PR or whatever.

Use the tool, it should save you a lot of time…

In other news, our SquidProxies promotion will be starting from tomorrow! So, stay tuned!


The ScrapeboxUnderground Team

The Twitter Comment Grabber

Seems offtopic right? This little script will allow you to grab twitter comments based on your keywords. So whats the use of it? You can combine twitter comments and Scrapebox to create unique on topic comments that are more likely to stick. It’s also a lot easier than writing out your own…

The instruction video as well as the script can be found in our private forum! Get it now!

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Finding DoFollow Blog Engine Blogs

We have just uploaded a new script to our private forum. This script will help our members automating the tedious task of harvesting BlogEngine blogs and then checking weather they are DoFollow or NoFollow (the job is tedious because the standard DoFollow/NoFollow addon is limited in its functionality and does allow for mistakes when checking BE blogs).

Please download the script over at the private forum!

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